Europeiskt bevis på kompetens

Den Europeiska organisationen AEEBC som SBR Byggingenjörerna ingår i  (mer info här) har tagit fram ett kort kallat EurBE. Kortet är ett  professionellt erkännande som syftar till att främja och underlätta fri rörlighet för byggexperter i Europa, så att företag, kunder och offentliga förvaltningar kan känna igen den professionella kompetensen.

The process of validation of educational qualifications training and professional experience provides evidence of the highest standards of professionalism in safety, quality and consumer protection.

Mandatory Competences:

· Building Expert Profession

· Construction Technology & Building Services

· Building Standards, codes  and regulations

· Pathology/Forensic Engineering
and maintenance

· Science and Quality of Construction Materials

· Building and Property Law

· Economics and Cost and
Financial Management

Optional Competences
(two from five):

· Structural Design

· Building and Urban Design

· Project Management

· Geomatics/Land Surveying

· Facilities Management


In order to obtain the EurBE card, the candidate must demonstrate his / her knowledge and skills in each of the competences, through the application provided in, the information will be reviewed by the NMC (National Monitoring Committee).

The NMC will be responsible for evaluating the applications received. It will determine those candidates that merit the accreditation, which will be sent to the EMC (European Monitoring Committee) for validation.


  • Improve professional mobility
  • Quality badge of attainment
  • Your competencies recognised by a prestigious European Body

Necessary requirements

  • Be a full corporate member of any principal professional associations within AEEBC
  • Have relevant professional experience
  • Maintain Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
  • Abide by AEEBC Professional Code of Conduct & Ethics

The fee for the validation including the EurBE card is €140 (for a 5 year period) Läs mer och ansök här.



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